There is a powerful verse in the New Testament of the Bible that reads, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil (translated ‘false accuser’ or ‘slanderer’) and he (the devil; Satan – translated ‘our adversary’ or ‘one who withstands’; and described by Christ as a ‘murderer’ and ‘the father of lies’) will flee from you.” – James 4:7.
The Life of Joseph
The true story of a young man named Joseph in the book of Genesis in the Bible, is a testament to the faithfulness of a loving and all-powerful God.
Prophetic Ministry in the Body of Christ
God has established each member or part of His Body according to His will, to function in the gifts He has given to each one of us. The Apostle Paul also instructs each one of us; to eagerly desire the greater gifts; and especially the gift of prophecy.
Bearing One Another’s Burdens
All ministers of the Gospel at some point in their ministry will find their integrity under fire, seemingly placing their work in the Lord in dispute. Sadly, this happens not just from the mouths of those who are ‘in the world’ who do not yet know Christ, but also from those who are ‘in the Lord’ and who do know Him. Yet, the writer of Hebrews comforts us; reminding us; that all things are known to God; naked and open to the eyes of the Lord to whom we must all, one day give account.
God’s Challenge for a Right Response – Part Two
Are you actively seeking out the will and purposes of God for your life? Are you following His instructions? Have you done what He has said?
Living Free From Fear!
Despite the opposition we may face, we are called to let the very nature and peace of God rule in our hearts.
The Redeeming Power of Praise
In chapter twelve of the book of Hebrews in the Bible, the writer addresses our need to pursue peace with all people and to walk in holiness before the Lord.
A Lifestyle of Fasting and Prayer
In the Book of Daniel in the Bible are the inter-twined stories of a king named Nebuchadnezzar and a young Israelite man named Daniel.
The Importance of Hearing from God
The voice of the Lord in Scripture is likened to the sound of a trumpet. Just as there were many purposes for the sounding of the trumpet in Old Testament times, so it is with the voice of the Lord through prophecy today.