The word of God tells us, that though men may not perceive it is the voice of God speaking to them, through a dream God opens the ears of men to seal their instruction.
Keep Yourself From Mixture
When the Apostle Paul wrote or preached, by the Spirit of grace, he allowed no room for mixture. This meant he was not just mindful of the words he spoke or tone of voice that he used, but that the heart and intent behind his message was of the Lord. Actions and attitudes go together as one.
The Power of Repentance — Part Two
Our greatest need, is for each one of us to know that we are fully loved and fully accepted in Christ Jesus.
The Power of Repentance – Part One
All four Gospels of the New Testament, in their first few chapters, testify of one whom the prophets had spoken of, saying, “Behold, I will send My messenger, and he shall prepare the way before Me” – Malachi 3:1, KJV. This messenger was known as John the Baptist. He was, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the LORD; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.’” – Isaiah 40:3.
Josiah — A King Like No Other
Just like Josiah, every leader and every believer in Christ has a purpose for their lives given by God. Like Josiah, if we continue to seek and obey the Lord, He will ensure His good purposes are fulfilled in and through our lives.
Addressing the Issues of Our Hearts
A fire begins with a small spark; but when conditions are favourable it catches on and turns into an inferno!!
False Prophecy in the Church
The worshippers of Baal and Asherah in the Old Testament of the Bible were characterized by their false prophets. 450 prophets of Baal sat to eat at Queen Jezebel’s table, along with 400 prophets of Asherah. Asherah in the Bible was a sexual goddess known by various different names depending on the region. She was often worshipped alongside Baal by many different people groups – including later, by the people of Israel. Many, unknowingly, are still worshipping these false deities today. Both are characterized by their love of war.
Overcoming the Spirit of Baal
The spirit of Baal is only one of the many manifestations of witchcraft. While witchcraft is openly acknowledged in many third world countries, in the Western world it goes largely undiagnosed and therefore untreated, especially in the modern day Church.
The Anointing of God and Prophetic Vision
God has specifically designed and gifted each one of us for His purposes and for the plans He has for our individual lives and ministries.