Unforgiveness is a scheme of the enemy to cause discord among people and to trap them in a place where they cannot find peace to move on.
Restoration Through Forgiveness – Part One
The challenge of forgiveness is perhaps one of the hardest things for believers in Christ and non-believers alike to come to terms with. It doesn’t seem to matter whether the offence has been great or small, real or perceived; all of us, throughout many occasions in our lives will come face-to-face with the choice as to whether or not we will forgive. The challenge with all forgiveness is in making the right start. The key to forgiveness is in choosing the right way over the wrong way. Once we have begun on that journey, it makes it a lot easier to follow through. Forgiveness must come from our hearts.
The Power of Repentance — Part Two
Our greatest need, is for each one of us to know that we are fully loved and fully accepted in Christ Jesus.
The Power of Repentance – Part One
All four Gospels of the New Testament, in their first few chapters, testify of one whom the prophets had spoken of, saying, “Behold, I will send My messenger, and he shall prepare the way before Me” – Malachi 3:1, KJV. This messenger was known as John the Baptist. He was, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the LORD; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.’” – Isaiah 40:3.
Josiah — A King Like No Other
Just like Josiah, every leader and every believer in Christ has a purpose for their lives given by God. Like Josiah, if we continue to seek and obey the Lord, He will ensure His good purposes are fulfilled in and through our lives.
A Gospel of Love is a Gospel of Power
When partaking of the Passover feast with His disciples on the night that He was betrayed, Jesus took the cup saying, “For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins”
— Matthew 26:28.
Where is the Evidence of Your Faith?
Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
– Matthew 4:4