Established To Lead

Every believer in Christ has been given an area, a role, or a calling in which God has both anointed and appointed them to lead.

I Am Has Sent me

God may have given you a place as the head of a household, as a mother nurturing and teaching her children, as the pastor of a church, the boss or supervisor in a workplace, in any form of ministry or any area of gifting or expertise, or as an example to others in the area of conduct, faith or attitude and many other things. The area of responsibility in which someone is anointed and appointed to lead may encompass any or all of these things.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, God called Moses to lead His chosen people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. He established Moses firmly as His chosen leader of His people and put His own mark of authority upon him. In order to show His people His will, God instructed Moses to say to the Israelites,

“I AM has sent me to you.”

Exodus 3:14

He gave Moses proof in the form of miraculous signs so that the elders of Israel would listen to him and believe. By God’s design, Moses’ staff would turn into a snake, his hand would turn leprous like snow and water from the Nile would turn to blood when poured onto dry ground (See Exodus chapter 4). Though God said He would do all of this by His own authority and power to firmly establish Moses in the sight of others, Moses still focused on his own weakness and asked God to send someone else instead.

“Moses said to the Lord, ‘O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.’ The Lord said to him, ‘Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.’ But Moses said, ‘O Lord, please send someone else to do it.'”

Exodus 4:10 – 13 NIV

Though angry with Moses, God gave him Aaron to speak to the people for him and Aaron became a helper to Moses. This did not lessen Moses’ authority or ability as God’s chosen leader. Moses remained God’s choice and retained the ability to perform miraculous signs. Despite Moses’ reluctance, by bringing Aaron along-side him, God ensured that His purposes for the Israelites would be fulfilled.

God clearly said to Moses,

“You shall speak to him (speaking of Aaron) and put words in his mouth; I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do. He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him. But take this staff in your hand so you can perform miraculous signs with it.”

Exodus 4:15 17

God Has Called You For a Purpose

  • God wants to firmly establish within the heart of every believer in Christ, that their calling and anointing to lead in the area that He has given them, is an authority that comes only from God.
  • It is an appointment established by God that no man can undermine.

He may bring others alongside to complement or to provide support for what He has asked us to do. But the support of others is not given as evidence of God’s anointing, or our appointment to lead, or for proof of our ability to lead.

  • Each believer’s ability to lead in their particular field or area of expertise comes only from an anointing given by God and God alone.

The Gifts And Calling of God Are Irrevocable

When speaking of God’s desire to see all of Israel come to repentance and be saved, the Apostle Paul said,

“For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.”

Romans 11:29 KJV

By this meaning – that God has not changed His mind!

In the same way, when God has called each one of us for His own purposes, He does not change His mind. But it is up to us whether or not we take hold of that by faith and begin to respond in faith and obedience. When Solomon became king after David, God firmly established him in his place and gave him great favour. He can do the same for us today.

“Now Solomon the son of David was strengthened in his kingdom, and the LORD his God was with him and exalted him exceedingly.”

2 Chronicles 1:1

When believers are confident in their anointing and provision from God – the addition of another’s support – other than God’s – will not be relied upon. Neither will our own inadequacies cause us to fear, or the removal of someone’s support become a threat to us. But each one will be able to operate in the freedom, provision and ability that comes from God alone. God will always remain faithful to complete those things that He has called us to do. Amen!

The Lord once said to the Apostle Paul,

2 Corinthians 12:9

The word for ‘power’ in this Scripture is translated ‘dunamis’ in the Greek – meaning ‘power, mighty work, strength, miracle, might, virtue, mighty.’ The word ‘perfect’ is translated ‘teleioō‘ in the Greek – meaning in part, ‘to make perfect, finish, fulfil.’ It’s Biblical usage includes ‘to complete, to carry through completely, to accomplish, finish or bring to an end.’ ~ See Strongs concordance.

  • God’s miracle working power is faithful to carry through to completion that which He has called us to do.
  • What is impossible for us is possible with God!
  • Nothing is impossible or too hard for God!

Given the above understanding, our response to the Lord should be exactly the same as the Apostle Paul’s. We can boast all the more gladly about our weaknesses. For when we are weak, then we are strong.

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s (miracle working) power may rest on me (to complete it). Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

2 Corinthians 12:9 & 10

Have you prayed for this ministry today?

For more on the role of the anointing of God in the authority to lead, see also my article “The Anointing of God and Prophetic Vision.”

If you have never made the decision to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, but would like to begin a relationship with God through Christ today, please click here to find out how.

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If you would like to have a relationship with God through accepting His Son Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, please pray the prayer below.

Dear Heavenly Father. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. I am sorry for the sins I have committed and I ask You to forgive me. I now turn away from all the things that I know to be wrong and I receive Your Holy Spirit and Your gift of eternal life. Thank You for this free gift of Salvation and eternal life. Help me to come to know and experience Your love for me more and more, and to now share the love You have given me with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We would love to hear from you: If you have prayed this prayer for the first time, or have recommitted your life to Christ today I would love to hear from you to encourage you in your new walk with Christ. You can send me an email by clicking 'Get in Touch' on the yellow bar at the bottom of the Home or Articles pages.

What next: Once we have started our relationship with Christ – it is important that we continue to grow in our understanding of Him, and experience His love for us on a regular basis. God does this for us as we read the Bible, which I encourage you to do on a regular basis, asking the Holy Spirit to help you understand it and make it “come alive” to you in a very personal way. May I encourage you to do this every day, and to actively pursue those things that God reveals to you. We also need to be spending time with other like-minded Christians on a regular basis, who are also growing in their relationship with God. We gain encouragement from being with other growing believers. Ask God to lead you to a Bible-believing church (or Bible-believing Christian group) that will encourage your relationship with Christ and help to meet your needs. Ask Him, and trust that He will guide you to the place of fellowship that is right for you.

May God both work in you and through you, those things that He desires, as you continue to submit your life to Him each day.