The picture I saw was of a very large household with a large inner courtyard where people ran to-and-fro, running errands and going about their work. Much as Joseph would have served in Potiphar’s household, the ownership of the house was not ours, it belonged to the Lord. When the Lord began to show me this, it seemed ludicrous for any man to try to gain a status or position above another because we were all servants, serving one master, in what was clearly the master’s household. There was no need for comparison or a jostling for position, for each one just wanted to be where the Lord had instructed them to be, to follow His commands and to do what He had told them to do. God gave me an understanding, that His love for the poor is extensive in this regard and that the needs of the poor are important to Him. He wants His love for people outworked in such a way, that they are loved and cared for just as Christ Himself would love and care for them.
The Lord then said to me, “A servant is not above His master, but does exactly as he has taught him to do. Live as servants in the Master’s household.” (See Matthew 10:24 onwards). We are all servants of the one Master Who is Christ. He is the head Shepherd. There can be no posturing for position in God’s Kingdom, for we have all been called to serve.
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – John 14:7.
The peace of God comes with an understanding that we are His, but that we are also His caretakers here on the earth. We are to fulfil His purposes and to do His bidding, exactly as He has told us to do.
Jesus also said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” – Matthew 5:3-5.