In this picture I was shown a room where approximately two to four adult men were seated at a table. These were all grown men, approximately between the ages of 30 and 40. All were seasoned soldiers dressed in army fatigues. They appeared to be sitting there waiting for something and the door to this room was shut.
I was then taken across a hallway into a second room that appeared to be in the same building.
In this room I saw a number of small children. Each one looked to be between the ages of two to four years old, and they were seated at small tables. They sat happily drawing pictures, as small children might do at a kindergarten or pre-school. The Lord described these children to me as “babes in arms” and then said to me, “The children will fight like seasoned soldiers. Where grown men have failed, the children will succeed. Out of the mouth of a child, will come the word of the Lord as a prophet.”